Cloud Resume Challenge - Block 1 (steps 2 - 3)

Today I took the next steps in completing the Cloud Resume Challenge. See the sections below for details

Challenge Steps 2 & 3 - COMPLETE!

Challenge steps 2 & 3 call for creating an HTML Resume and CSS Style sheet respectively. I used CodePen to start building my code and CSS, using the provided sample as a guide. I did make some CSS changes to personalize it a bit, however I didn't want to go too far down the rabbit hole of playing with CSS, that will be for a different day!

Once I was happy with my HTML resume, I made local copies of both documents using Notepad++.

GitHub Repository Created

While the challenge calls for creating a GitHub Repository in a later step (step 13), I've created one now to start keeping track of any documents and files used in this project. At the time of this writing, the repository contains the HTML resume file and associated CSS, as well as a ReadMe file to keep track of progress.

Next Steps

The Next block I'll be working on are steps 4-6, which consists of creating a static website on Azure Storage, securing it with HTTPS, and linking it to a custom domain.